Hand-in-Hand Share Missions
Nonprofit organization dedicated to providing free healthcare services to those that need it locally in Dallas-Fort Worth and internationally in rural areas of Vietnam.
Hand-in-Hand Share Missions is recognized as a 501(c)(3) organization by the Internal Revenue Service. All contributions are tax-deductible to the extent allowed by Law.
“It is not about how much we give, but how much love we put into giving.”
– Mother Teresa of Calcutta

Vietnam Volunteer Application 2024
Hand-in-Hand Share Missions will be returning to Vietnam in 2024 to serve communities in the provinces of Gai Lai and Kon Tum. The mission dates will be July 17th through July 27th. Please fill out the following application if you have interest in this mission.
Annual Gala
Please mark your calendars for our Annual Gala coming up on April 6th at the Vietnamese Martyrs Catholic Church! More details to come. In the meantime, we are so excited to see you all again and give you an update on what we have been up to in the past year!

Internationally in Vietnam
Since 2015, we have had the privilege of leading six international missions in rural areas of Vietnam including Kon Tum and Pleiku, VN. Not only do we provide healthcare services such as medical, dental, optical, pharmaceutical, etc. but we also provide essentials like food packages, medicine packages, education, and sponsorships for tuition and major medical emergencies. Here are some of our ongoing international mission work that we sponsor year-round:
Sponsored Caretaker to Provide Oral Care
Dreamworks Dental (in Dallas-Fort Worth) continues to sponsor for a caretaker to visit an orphanage in Vietnam to brush the orphans’ teeth and maintain oral hygiene so that the children can have their teeth taken care of!
Water Filtration Systems
In the early days of Hand-in-Hand’s first missions, we treated many patients that struggled with parasites due to unclean water. After we treated the patients, they continued to be contaminated by the water and we decided to fix the source of the problem. We have successfully installed and maintained water filtration systems in these areas in order to prevent patients from getting sick again.
Tuition for Elementary Students
One of our ongoing missions since 2020 is providing tuition for elementary students to receive an education. These students come from poor families who do not have the extra funds to send these students to school. By providing tuition for these students, we are able to help further their education so that they can grow up and better their family financial situations.

Phone: (817) 523-9865
Email: handinhandsm@gmail.com